Sunday 24 July 2011

Lazing about in Esperaza

In order to have lots of energy reserves for our big trip on Tuesday we've been lazing around Esperaza for a few days. Dad and Andy returned the hire car, though not before I took a photo so Dad can prove he can drive a left-hand drive. The sun shone for the markets today and Mum and Dad made many trips out to buy bits'n'pieces and chat to the stall holders.

This afternoon was obviously devoted to watching Cadel win the Tour de France. The local cafe (pub) was the venue, and has been a regular haunt for Dad and Andy in the last week, and we hung our little Aussie flag in support of our fellow Aussie cyclist. We're not sure that the locals were that interested in watching it but the owner put it on anyway. Andy was happy to see Cavendish win the green jersey. Smiles all round at our house.

Yes I managed!

Wandering around the markets

Cafe du Pont

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