Tuesday 19 July 2011

Arques, Snails and Frog legs

We've been so very busy despite the rainy weather. Yesterday afternoon, after Nicole and Samantha left us, we took a drive east to Arques and checked out it's pretty cool, restored Chateau. This morning we headed west through the sunflower fields and hills to Puivert and onto Lake Montbel. Very nice but extraordinarily windy. This didn't stop Millie from enjoying the swings though.

Before home we went to a local restaurant and subjected Mum and Dad to some very  French delicacies... snails and frog legs. Mum really struggled but Dad hooked right in. I'm not sure the snails did much for him but he found the frog legs rather tasty. Yum yum yum. Enjoy the photos!


Frog legs

Pa enjoying the French delicacy

Chateau d'Arques

Millie on a big-girl swing

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