Friday 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

We braved the crowds and the fans and toddled off to see the wedding this morning. We didn't manage to get onto the route but we watched Kate's arrival at the Abbey on the big screen in Trafalgar Square. It was quite lovely to soak up the atmosphere. We just saw the fly-by too. Matthew was excited but Millie slept through it.

Andy looking very impressed to be out and about on the wedding day...

...but we did have fun

Fun had by all, though Millie lost her flag soon after this

This was our view!!!!!!!!


  1. and didnt she look beautiful. hope Millie enjoyed all the flag waving. XX

  2. Yes she was beautiful. Dresses were stunning. Millie did love waving her flag, so much so that it went flying into traffic on the way home. Might pick her up another today.

  3. Lovely day - yay! Matthew kept his flag. x
