Saturday 30 April 2011

Last day in the UK

Our last full day in London and the sun shone AGAIN! We've had the loveliest weather which is more than I can say for the 5 years I lived here. We visited our local shopping area for Millie's run-around with the pigeons and to buy some international market snacks. After Millie's nap we headed to St Paul's Cathedral for a stroll and some photos. Millie became quite obsessed with stopping to sit on any steps we passed and rather enjoyed posing for photos. Can you spot the famous London icons in our photos?

It's off to France tomorrow so stayed tuned for news of cheese and wine very soon.

Millie packed herself for France so we are ready to go

A run around the Brunswick Centre in Bloomsbury

Millie at St Paul's

On Millenium Bridge with a view of Tower Bridge

St Paul's again

Rest stop number 37!


  1. did you take Millie for a ride in a double decker bus?

  2. No bus ride but she'll survive. We could walk to everything so there was no need.
