Saturday 30 April 2011

Last day in the UK

Our last full day in London and the sun shone AGAIN! We've had the loveliest weather which is more than I can say for the 5 years I lived here. We visited our local shopping area for Millie's run-around with the pigeons and to buy some international market snacks. After Millie's nap we headed to St Paul's Cathedral for a stroll and some photos. Millie became quite obsessed with stopping to sit on any steps we passed and rather enjoyed posing for photos. Can you spot the famous London icons in our photos?

It's off to France tomorrow so stayed tuned for news of cheese and wine very soon.

Millie packed herself for France so we are ready to go

A run around the Brunswick Centre in Bloomsbury

Millie at St Paul's

On Millenium Bridge with a view of Tower Bridge

St Paul's again

Rest stop number 37!

Friday 29 April 2011

The Royal Wedding

We braved the crowds and the fans and toddled off to see the wedding this morning. We didn't manage to get onto the route but we watched Kate's arrival at the Abbey on the big screen in Trafalgar Square. It was quite lovely to soak up the atmosphere. We just saw the fly-by too. Matthew was excited but Millie slept through it.

Andy looking very impressed to be out and about on the wedding day...

...but we did have fun

Fun had by all, though Millie lost her flag soon after this

This was our view!!!!!!!!

Thursday 28 April 2011

The night before the big day

We took a wee stroll (i.e an Andy hike) down into the thick of it to see what is going on. It was, in part, to plan our route for the morning in order to avoid the crowds - if that's possible. I think it  will be rammed tomorrow so don't expect us to be able to report much. Check out one of the royal fans...

Greetings to HRH from the Ritz

Westminster Abbey
 We went on to dinner and, as is befitting, we ordered one Will and one Kate!

Busy, busy

The last two days have been busy, especially for Millie for whom brunch at the Wolsely was too much. She didn't make it to Trafalgar Square but conked out just before and slept til home. Can't be that comfy in the backpack I'd have thought.

We had a lovely visit with Andrea and Emily today (sorry to miss Sacha and Abi though) and the two Millie's (Mily?) played very nicely. Thanks so much for sharing Emily.

Tuesday 26 April 2011


We took our girl off to Covent Garden where the restaurant 'Rock & Sole Plaice' do a top nosh fish and chip dinner. 'Twas enjoyed by all.

Learning to 'hang on' on the tube

Sunday 24 April 2011

Squirreled away to Spencer House

Andy's dogged pursuit of a spot on a tour at Spencer House finally paid off for him today. It is only open on Sundays and closed in January and August (when last he visited) so it has been tricky. Unfortunately small children are not welcome so Millie and Kelsie played in the park with the squirrels to pass the time. Picking daisies for our hair gave us a giggle too.

Spencer House

Catriona, Duncan and The British Museum

We thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Cat and Duncan, whom we haven't seen since he was a wee lad. Millie fell in love with Duncan (totally understandable) and was rather sad to see him go. However we enjoyed a visit to The British Museum, dinner at Carluccio's and lots of silliness on the bed and in the fountain before the emotional departure.

Duncan holding the statue up

Admiring the roof on The British Museum

Catriona, Duncan, Kelsie & Millie

A rest from using the bed as a trampoline

Fun in the fountain on Russell Square


Saturday 23 April 2011

Meeting Nsika

Kelsie and Millie took a nostalgic trip east yesterday to Wanstead to see Zama and meet lovely Nsika. Millie had the obligatory meet-the-new-friend swing. So nice to catch up with Zama. Andy went out for a museum visit and lunch with Ian - nostaglia galore!

Friday 22 April 2011

Soho Square

A walk to one of Andy's favourite places in the world was very stimulating for our girl as you can see.

Happy Birthday...

Many happy returns to the Queen for yesterday. The flags were out, the guns went off and everyone went about their business none the wiser.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

And now... London

After visiting family in Bristol and friends in Leeds it's now time to revisit the past and spend 10 days in London, our last stop before heading to France. It was 26 degrees today and just beautiful, great weather for lugging a toddler and luggage around central London looking for our apartment. It was worth it in the end as it is perfect, the location and the apartment itself.
Millie is a bit 'poorly' as is Kelsie but we'll struggle through and enjoy ourselves. We're a stones throw from Russel Square, The British Museum and Oxford Street - joy. It's nice and noisy outside the window, the red bus brakes lulling Millie to sleep.
We are off for a stroll tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for photos of us basking in the rare but beautiful London sunshine.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

The 15 year wait for a curry

It was a long wait for the boys but after 15 long years (luckily I have only had to hear about it for 10) they managed to book their lamb that takes 2 days to marinate and is then slow cooked. They've never been organised enough to book it in advance but tonight 'voila'. The kids enjoyed their curry but what do we really think Dan and Andy were feeling at the end of their ordeal?

Roundhay Park, Leeds

Swings, ducks, ice-cream and running.... bliss!

Chez Swann-Grennan

It was so nice to visit the Swann-Grennan home again after all these years. Katie was still in Rachael's tummy at the last visit and now she is so grown up she successfully avoided all photos. Millie had a ball making 'potions' with Holly and Bethany, jumping like a crazy on the tramp and being tossed in the air by another crazy (aka Chrissy). And thanks Rachael for all the bubbles - what fun! Let's hope it's not another ten years between craziness.

A visit to the Minkins Snr

A trip to Kirkstall to see Lewis and Liz (Dan's parents) was lots of fun, especially in Liz's lovely garden.