Saturday 18 June 2011

We're still here...

Yes I know we are long overdue for a post, sorry for the intermission. The rain hung around for 2 weeks (and has returned today) with the locals commenting on the unseasonal weather. We don't mind too much but poor Dan, Natalie and Matthew are getting rain for their holiday.

Well, what have we been up to. We are up to car number 2 this week though that is reluctant to start at the moment. Hmmmmmm. Still it has given us some freedom and it meant going out for our first dinner last night with the Minkins to a nice restaurant in Couiza Le Carnotzet. Everyone enjoyed their meal and by duck in orange sauce was particularly nice. Millie's restaurant behaviour leaves a bit to be desired but perhaps we just need to practise more. Lunch at our local creperie today was also lovely and we all enjoyed a two course crepe lunch. Yum yum yum to choco, banana and cream crepes I say!

There seems to be a bit of festival going on in Esperaza this weekend. There was dancing in the square yesterday evening, though Matthew slept through it all to Millie's disappointment, and we have been enjoying some local jazz in the park this afternoon. Not sure how Millie will go with the fireworks at 11pm tonight but we'll just take that in our stride.

Promise more soon.

Matthew enjoying the peace and quiet of the dancing

Lylou, Millie & Shany

Jazz in the park

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