Wednesday 29 June 2011

Millie's Grand Tour

When one is one, one knows what one wants and one wants to play. So we visit playgrounds everywhere we go. Here is a little taste of Millie's Grand Playground Tour.

Matthew & Millie in Couiza

Axat playground

Hey-ya in Esperaza

Tunnelling in Esperaza

Quillan playground

Tuesday 21 June 2011


More driving in the ol' banger today heading south to Axat in the mountains. Gorgeous scenery abounds bringing back memories of last year's Tour de France: Andy commented on the stunning views and I stated that I would not be driving on those roads; and here we are. The little town of Axat is beautiful and just the right spot to enjoy a pain au chocolat by the river.

Stay tuned soon for Millie's grand tour of French playgrounds.


two peas in a pod

slow and steady...

Monday 20 June 2011


The sun is shining (though perhaps not for long as more rain is forecast) so we headed a little north to investigate the old spa town of Alet-les-bains. It is very old and rather quaint. We had coffee Miss Marple style in the garden at the hotel, where chickens roamed around our feet until Millie chased them away of course.

Last night we had a rather tasty drop of the local sparkling wine, blanquette de limoux from which the Methode Champenoise was developed by old Dom himself. Natalie and Dan brought the bottle and a nicer one we have yet to find. We will, however, continue the search and keep you updated on our findings.

L'eglise at Alet-les-bains

town centre

stopping to smell the roses...

blanquette de limoux

Saturday 18 June 2011

We're still here...

Yes I know we are long overdue for a post, sorry for the intermission. The rain hung around for 2 weeks (and has returned today) with the locals commenting on the unseasonal weather. We don't mind too much but poor Dan, Natalie and Matthew are getting rain for their holiday.

Well, what have we been up to. We are up to car number 2 this week though that is reluctant to start at the moment. Hmmmmmm. Still it has given us some freedom and it meant going out for our first dinner last night with the Minkins to a nice restaurant in Couiza Le Carnotzet. Everyone enjoyed their meal and by duck in orange sauce was particularly nice. Millie's restaurant behaviour leaves a bit to be desired but perhaps we just need to practise more. Lunch at our local creperie today was also lovely and we all enjoyed a two course crepe lunch. Yum yum yum to choco, banana and cream crepes I say!

There seems to be a bit of festival going on in Esperaza this weekend. There was dancing in the square yesterday evening, though Matthew slept through it all to Millie's disappointment, and we have been enjoying some local jazz in the park this afternoon. Not sure how Millie will go with the fireworks at 11pm tonight but we'll just take that in our stride.

Promise more soon.

Matthew enjoying the peace and quiet of the dancing

Lylou, Millie & Shany

Jazz in the park

Saturday 4 June 2011

Rain, rain, rain

It's been raining for almost a week and we are all feeling a little housebound. The few trips outdoors we did today meant that Millie was on to her third outfit by 4pm. Her penchant for puddles is wearing thin considering the difficulty getting clothes dry at the moment, however her new wellies are serving her well. When the sun shines we might have more news; fingers crossed.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

A funny 'ol day

Where to start. Shall I describe our attempts to buy some swimming trunks for Andy while Millie ran around the shop, opening the changing room curtain and revealing all to the world and me completely immobile with laughter at him actually wearing said swimming trunks. Or perhaps I could launch into the story about the navigator (Andy) who used a hiking trail map to direct his wife into the scenic hills in a car that doesn't look like it could make it to the end of the road. After finding themselves on a rather hairy, rocky precipice they realised that the view was sensational but that they really needed to get out of there. Millie decided it was all too much so went to sleep. The day wound up with a very pleasant swim at the thermal baths of Rennes-les-bains, though it is hard to swim whilst wetting one's self at one's husband in hot pink striped, floral swimming trunks. I'll spare you the photo, unless requested of course.

Veiw #1 from hiking trail

View #2 from hiking trail

Piscine at Rennes-les-bains