Tuesday 30 August 2011

The last day at Chez Nous

The final farewell has been made, a few tears and lots of 'grand bisous'. We snacked on the square and said goodbye to Ian, Norma and Alfie. Millie had a little early birthday party with her friends which was fun but a little overwhelming for her. We think she realises something is up. After another play on the square, a quick beer for Andy in Cafe du Pont and some last minute packing we went for dinner with Nicole, Lylou and Shany to LeTyrex for pizza. We are going to miss our new and wonderful friends very much. Everyone is asking when we are coming back.... who knows?

pain au chocolat on the square

Happy Birthday Millie

Lylou, Millie & Shany

Mmmmm... pizza

Nicole, Kelsie & Andy

Les petites

Too much wine?

Andy has a  pretty impressive collection of the various corks that have plugged the tops of the various fluids we have consumed. Too be honest there aren't as many as I thought there would be. Well done us!

Millie has to say goodbye to her own collection of rocks. A sad day indeed.

A visit from the McNicols

The lovely McNicols' made their way to Esperaza for a few days. We picnicked, hiked (well I didn't but Andy, Ian, Norma and Alfie hiked up to Rennes-le-Chateau-well done!), drank and enjoyed their company. Alfie was a wonder with Millie, making her laugh and chasing her around, bless him. Thanks for visiting.

Monday 29 August 2011

8 a huit

Our four months wouldn't have been the same without the service and friendliness of Isabelle and Alain from the local 8 a huit supermarket. It's small but has more than enough to keep us happy. Andy has enjoyed their array of wine, Millie loves their little quacking duck by the door (see photo) and I rather like the chocolate mousse.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Bye bye bakery

A fond farewell to the best bakery in the world. We've tried bread, croissants and pain au chocolate all across France but these guys make the most delicious bread and pastries of all.  It is with sadness we say goodbye but not with empty tummies!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Fun with friends

The saddest thing of all, of course, is saying goodbye to new friends. Millie is doing it in fine style with hers. She spent yesterday afternoon swimming in the river with Lylou and Shany, picking berries and then afterwards enjoying a spin in the playground. Today she went swimming with her friend Guilhem in the warm baths at Rennes-les-bains. What a life!

collecting rocks in the river

Andy, Millie, Shany & Lylou turning blue!

picking berries

Yum yum Lylou

Millie & Nicole

Perfect babysitters

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Taking in the river

The heat of Sunday (over 37 degrees) was tough to take so we headed to the river to cool off. It's much cooler down there anyway and the water was very fresh. Millie had a ball but we hauled her out when her lips starting turning blue.

Monday was much cooler so we fed the ducks and enjoyed the breeze that had been missing on the weekend.